The Red Deer Curling Club is proud to offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re young, old or somewhere in-between, we are sure to have a league suitable for you.
Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.
Sunday Family and Friends League (Moose)
Sunday: 6:00pm October - March (18 weeks) $1264 + GST / team ( $316.00 pp)
A fun recreational open mixed league following Curl Canada rules. Open to all curlers, any caliber from beginner to experienced.
- Round Robin play.
- Register as a team. If you are an individual looking for a team please contact league rep or office for more information.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules.
- End of Season Wind Up Social included.
- No Cash/GC Prizes
Monday Junior Learn To Curl
Monday: 5:00pm - 6:15pm October - March (18 weeks) $200 includes GST / person
This program is designed for:
-Juniors aged 8-12.
-Little to no previous curling experience.
What is included:
-Introduction to skills
- Basic knowledge of the game
- Equipment usage
-Safety precautions
- Mini games (Corners, hog-line in)
- Fun and games
- Christmas "spiel" and invitation to March "junior funspiel"
Helmets are not provided but recommended.
Equipment is available for rent from Red Deer Curling. A broom and a pair of shoes are available for rent for $45.00 for the season. Equipment must be returned at the end of the season.
Monday Junior U12
Monday: 5:00pm - 6:15pm October - March (18 weeks) $200 includes GST / person
This program is designed for:
-Juniors aged 8-12.
-Must have completed the Learn To Curl Program,
What is included:
- Curling Canada's "Rockstars" program is the basis for this level where juniors will progress to "FUNdamentals" and " Learn To Train"
- Technical, Tactical, Physical, Mental and Social aspects of the game are the focus.
-4 levels of instructions with progress cards and baggage tags for juniors to proudly show their progress and skills.
- Christmas "spiel" and invitation to March "junior funspiel"
Helmets are not provided but recommended.
Equipment is available for rent from Red Deer Curling. A broom and a pair of shoes are available for rent for $45.00 for the season. Equipment must be returned at the end of the season.
Monday Junior U15/U18 Learn to Curl
Monday: 5:00pm - 6:30pm October - March (18 weeks) $225 includes GST / person
This program is designed for:
-Juniors aged 12-18 with little to no previous curling experience.
What is included:
This program is designed to introduce teens to the sport of curling. The objective is to have fun, increase physical activity, promote curling as a life-long recreational sport.
-Introduction to skills
- Basic knowledge of the game
- Christmas "spiel" and invitation to March "junior funspiel"
Helmets are not provided but recommended.
Equipment is available for rent from Red Deer Curling. A broom and a pair of shoes are available for rent for $45.00 for the season. Equipment must be returned at the end of the season.
Monday Junior U15/U18 Recreational Program
Monday: 5:00pm - 6:30pm October - March (18 weeks) $225 includes GST / person
This program is designed for:
-Juniors aged 12-18 with varied levels of curling experience.
What is included:
This program is designed for teens to participate in the sport of curling. The objective is to have fun, increase physical activity, promote curling as a life-long recreational sport.
-Further skill development
- Introduce and build game play and strategy
-Learn Game and bonspiel etiquette
- Christmas "spiel" and invitation to March "junior funspiel"
Helmets are not provided but recommended.
Equipment is available for rent from Red Deer Curling. A broom and a pair of shoes are available for rent for $45.00 for the season. Equipment must be returned at the end of the season.
Monday Mixed League
Monday: 7:30pm October - March (19 weeks) $1732 + GST / team ( $433.00 pp)
A recreational fun league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
- Teams consist of 2 male and 2 female players alternating positions.
- Teams of 4 will register
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules.
- Winning team to post results.
- End of Season Wind Up Social included.
- Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
- No Cash/GC prizes
Based on points earned in the round robin play and then split into 3 pools based on points to finish the season. The mixed club championships are played on the last two Mondays of the season. League and club championship formats may change or vary based on league entries.
Tuesday AM Sturling League (Fall)
Tuesday: 9:30am Session 1: October - December (10 weeks) $193.00 + GST / team ( $96.50 pp)
A fun league following the Sturling rules of play. Sturling is played with 2 person teams. One player will throw 6 rocks per end either with a stick or normal delivery while their team mate skips the end. Sweeping is only allowed from the hogline to the backline.
- Round Robin play. 8 end games.
- Male or female or mixed teams. Any age.
- Winning team to post results.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules
- No cash/GC prizes
Sturling: the official name for the 2-person sport of curling, bringing together stick, slide, and wheelchair curlers in a fun fulled competition with no age or gender restriction. Sturling provides a challenge and excitement for people of all ages in a fun and social atmosphere. We curl every Tuesday with 3 draws 9:30 am, 10:00 am and 11:00 am. The staggered times allow us to accept 36 teams and creates a nice flow through the rink. All skills are welcome. We play 8 end games with each team throwing 6 rocks per end. Games take approximately 90 min to play.
Tuesday AM Sturling League (Winter)
Tuesday: 9:30am Session 2: January - March (11 weeks) $213.00 + GST / team ( 106.50 pp)
A fun league following the Sturling rules of play. Sturling is played with 2 person teams. One player will throw 6 rocks per end either with a stick or normal delivery while their team mate skips the end. Sweeping is only allowed from the hogline to the backline.
- Round Robin play. 8 end games.
- Male or female or mixed teams. Any age.
- Winning team to post results.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules
- No cash/GC prizes
Sturling: the official name for the 2-person sport of curling, bringing together stick, slide, and wheelchair curlers in a fun fulled competition with no age or gender restriction. Sturling provides a challenge and excitement for people of all ages in a fun and social atmosphere. We curl every Tuesday with 3 draws 9:30 am, 10:00 am and 11:00 am. The staggered times allow us to accept 36 teams and creates a nice flow through the rink. All skills are welcome. We play 8 end games with each team throwing 6 rocks per end. Games take approximately 90 min to play.
Tuesday Afternoon Snow Birds League (Fall Session)
Tuesday: 1:30pm Mid-October - December (10 weeks) $700 + GST / team (175.00 pp)
A half season fun afternoon league open to anyone. League ends 3rd week of December.
- Round Robin play. Usually 2 pools of 10 - 12 teams per pool.
- 4 person team made up of any combination of males or females or mixed teams. Any age.
- Winning team to post results.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules
- End of season Wind up Social included
- No cash/GC prizes
Tuesday Afternoon Sturling League (Winter)
Tuesday: 1:00pm January - March (10 weeks) $310 + GST / team ($155.00 pp)
A fun league following the Sturling rules of play. Sturling is played with 2 person teams.
One player will throw 6 rocks per end either with a stick or normal delivery while their team mate skips the end. Sweeping is only allowed from the hogline to the backline.
- Round Robin play. 6 end games Play 2 games
- Takes about an hour to play one game. Male or female or mixed teams. Any age.
- Winning team to post results.
- No cash/GC prizes
*NEW* Open 623 League Session 1
Tuesday: 5:15-6:45pm 4 week session Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12 $300/team
Perfect quick after work game!
⁃ 6 ends, 6 rocks,
⁃ 2-3 players/team
⁃ Rotating positions every end
⁃ Open to all levels of curlers
⁃ Join for one (4wk) session or all four sessions
⁃ $300/team/session (4games)
How it’s played:
2 players:
⁃ first end: player A will throw the first 3 rocks, player B throws the last 3 rocks.
⁃ second end: player B throws the first 3 rocks, player A throws the last 3 rocks.
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
3 players:
⁃ each player throws 2 rocks each end rotating positions every end.
⁃ 1st end- players order A-B-C
⁃ 2nd end- players order C-A-B
⁃ 3rd end- players order B-C-A
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
*NEW* Open 623 League Session 2
Tuesday: 5:15-6:45pm 4 week session Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10 $300/team
Perfect quick after work game!
⁃ 6 ends, 6 rocks,
⁃ 2-3 players/team
⁃ Rotating positions every end
⁃ Open to all levels of curlers
⁃ Join for one (4wk) session or all four sessions
⁃ $300/team/session (4games)
How it’s played:
2 players:
⁃ first end: player A will throw the first 3 rocks, player B throws the last 3 rocks.
⁃ second end: player B throws the first 3 rocks, player A throws the last 3 rocks.
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
3 players:
⁃ each player throws 2 rocks each end rotating positions every end.
⁃ 1st end- players order A-B-C
⁃ 2nd end- players order C-A-B
⁃ 3rd end- players order B-C-A
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
*NEW* Open 623 League Session 3
Tuesday: 5:15-6:45pm 4 week session Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28 $225/team
Perfect quick after work game!
⁃ 6 ends, 6 rocks,
⁃ 2-3 players/team
⁃ Rotating positions every end
⁃ Open to all levels of curlers
⁃ Join for one (4wk) session or all four sessions
⁃ $300/team/session (4games)
How it’s played:
2 players:
⁃ first end: player A will throw the first 3 rocks, player B throws the last 3 rocks.
⁃ second end: player B throws the first 3 rocks, player A throws the last 3 rocks.
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
3 players:
⁃ each player throws 2 rocks each end rotating positions every end.
⁃ 1st end- players order A-B-C
⁃ 2nd end- players order C-A-B
⁃ 3rd end- players order B-C-A
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
*NEW* Open 623 League Session 4
Tuesday: 5:15-6:45pm 4 week session Feb 11, Feb 18, Feb 25, Mar 4 $225/team
Perfect quick after work game!
⁃ 6 ends, 6 rocks,
⁃ 2-3 players/team
⁃ Rotating positions every end
⁃ Open to all levels of curlers
⁃ Join for one (4wk) session or all four sessions
⁃ $300/team/session (4games)
How it’s played:
2 players:
⁃ first end: player A will throw the first 3 rocks, player B throws the last 3 rocks.
⁃ second end: player B throws the first 3 rocks, player A throws the last 3 rocks.
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
3 players:
⁃ each player throws 2 rocks each end rotating positions every end.
⁃ 1st end- players order A-B-C
⁃ 2nd end- players order C-A-B
⁃ 3rd end- players order B-C-A
Repeat the rotation for the remainder of the game.
Tuesday Night Ladies League
Tuesday: 7:15 p.m. October - March (19 weeks) $1826.00 + GST / team ( 456.50 pp)
A recreational fun league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
- Teams may register 4 players.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC spare Rules.
- Winning team to post results.
- End of Season Wind Up Social included.
- Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
- No cash/GC prizes
This league is typically round robin play for the whole season. League format could change or vary based on the number of teams entered. Women’s Club Championship format and the number of teams to qualify will be determined by the number of women’s teams in the late PM draws.
We welcome teams of all experience levels. Our focus is to have fun and develop friendships while enjoying the winter sport we love. Don't have a full team? No problem, we wil work hard to find teammates so you can enjoy the camaraderie and keep active. Max 24 teams. We welcome all the Thursday night women’s teams, to join us on Tuesday night to build a strong and fun atmosphere for the ladies of the RDCC.
Wednesday Morning Ladies League
Wednesday 9:30 am October - March ( 19 weeks) $276.00 + GST / person
- Register as an individual and teams will be formed based on postitions
- Spares must adhere to RDCC spare rules.
- Winning team to post results.
- End of Season Wind Up Social included
- No cash/GC prizes
Curling and coffee! This is a friendly learning community open to all skill levels. Individuals are welcome and teams are assigned. This league welcomes school moms, for that matter all moms a chance to keep active without having to join a gym. Learn a new game and meet new friends. Free 1/2 hour practice and instruction available before each game.
Please indicate preferred position on registration form.
Wednesday Open Adult
Wednesday: 1:00pm October- March (19weeks) $1332 + GST / team ( $333.00 pp)
A friendly league that values community and coffee time. All adults welcome. This is a great league for working and retired adulds looking for fun, friends and fitness. All skills welcome.
- Teams register 4players
- Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare rules
- Winning team to post results
- End of season Wind Up Social included
- No cash/GC prizes
*NEW* Junior League
Wednesday 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. November - Feburary $150.00 pp Includes GST
A brand new youth league for our juniors to gain league and bonspiel experience. The focus is on game play with Coach assistance. Juniors will learn etiquette, rules and strategy. Coaches will show how to read the draw and record scores.
Invitation to March Funspiel.
Session dates: November 20, November 27, December 4, December 11, December 18, January 8, January 15, January 22, January 29, February 12, February 19, February 26
Wednesday Night Men's League
Wednesday: 7:00pm October - March (19 weeks) $1826 + GST / team ( 456.50 pp)
A recreational fun league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
- Teams register 4 male players.
- Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC spare rules.
- Winning team to post results.
- End of season Wind Up Social included
- No cash/GC prizes
Priority will be given to teams that played in this league the previous season.
This league is round robin play with teams pooled as best we can according to their skill level. League format could change or vary based on the number of teams entered. Top three teams from each division qualify for club championships.
Evening men's leagues are open to all calibre of teams. We start the season by splitting the talent equally into two groups and playing round robin. After round robin play, teams will be placed into divisions of equal calibre. Don't have a full team? No problem we will work hard to find teammates, so you can enjoy a night out and a great game of curling. You may register up to 6 players per team and can also use as many spares as needed throughout the season providing you follow RDCC spare guidelines.
Thursday AM Sturling (Fall)
Thursday: 10:30am October - December (10weeks) $193 + GST ($96.50 pp)
A fun league following the Sturling rules of play. Sturling is played with 2 person teams. One player will throw 6 rocks per end either with a stick or normal delivery while their team mate skips the end. Sweeping is only allowed from the hogline to the backline.
- Round Robin play. 8 end games.
- Male or female or mixed teams. Any age.
- Winning team to post results.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules
- No cash/GC prizes
Sturling: the official name for the 2-peron sport of curling, bringing together stick, slide, and wheelchair curlers in a fun fulled competition with no age or gender restriction. Sturling provides a challenge and excitement for people of all ages in a fun and social atmosphere. We curl every Tuesday with 3 draws 9:30 am, 10:00 am and 11:00 am. The staggered times allow us to accept 36 teams and creates a nice flow through the rink. All skills are welcome. We play 8 end games with each team throwing 6 rocks per end. Games take approximately 90 min to play.
Thursday AM Sturling (Winter)
Thursday: 10:30am January - March (9 weeks) $174.00 + GST ($87.00 pp)
A fun league following the Sturling rules of play. Sturling is played with 2 person teams. One player will throw 6 rocks per end either with a stick or normal delivery while their team mate skips the end. Sweeping is only allowed from the hogline to the backline.
- Round Robin play. 8 end games.
- Male or female or mixed teams. Any age.
- Winning team to post results.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare Rules
- No cash/GC prizes
Sturling: the official name for the 2-peron sport of curling, bringing together stick, slide, and wheelchair curlers in a fun fulled competition with no age or gender restriction. Sturling provides a challenge and excitement for people of all ages in a fun and social atmosphere. We curl every Tuesday with 3 draws 9:30 am, 10:00 am and 11:00 am. The staggered times allow us to accept 36 teams and creates a nice flow through the rink. All skills are welcome. We play 8 end games with each team throwing 6 rocks per end. Games take approximately 90 min to play.
Thursday Pioneer League (Fall)
Thursday 1:00-3:00 October - December (10 Weeks) $180.00 + GST / person
- Enter as an individual and preferred playing position and teams will be formed
- Spares must adhere to RDCC spare rules.
- Winning Team to post results.
- End of session Wind Up Social included
- No cash/GC prizes
A social league for members over the age of 50 that want to stay active and have some fun. Open league format allows for any mixture of genders.
Thursday Pioneer League (Winter)
Thursday 1:00-3:00 January - March ( 9 weeks) $163.00 + GST / person
- Enter as an individual and preferred playing position and teams will be formed
- Spares must adhere to RDCC spare rules.
- Winning Team to post results.
- End of session Wind Up Social included
- No cash/GC prizes
A social league for members over the age of 50 that want to stay active and have some fun. Open league format allows for any mixture of genders.
Thursday Dinner Open Recreational League
Thursday: 5:15pm October - March (18 weeks) $1732.00 + GST / team ( $433.00 pp)
A recreational fun league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
- Teams may register 4 players
- Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare rules
- Winning team to post results
- End of season Wind Up Social included
-No cash/GC prizes
Open league format allows for all team makeups. Sign up a team and rotate players weekly if you wish. Open to anyone of all skill levels. If you do not have a full team this is a great league to be matched with others and meet some other great curlers. The season is split into two halves; you can join in October and curl into March or join in January.
**NEW** Thursday Night Open League
Thursday: 7:30pm October - March (18 weeks) $1732.00 + GST / team (433.00 pp)
A league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
A recreational fun league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
Teams may register 4 players
Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare rules
Winning team to post results
End of season Wind Up Social included
- 19 priority spots for returning men's teams
- No cash/GC prizes
This league is round robin play then pooled. League format could change or vary based on the number of teams entered.
Evening open league is open to all calibre of teams. . After round robin play, teams will be placed into divisions of equal calibre. Don't have a full team? No problem we will work hard to find teammates, so you can enjoy a night out and a great game of curling. ( Max 24 teams Wed)
Thank you to our ladies teams for choosing to build an incredible Tuesday Ladies Leagues.
Friday Afternoon Seniors League
Friday: 1:00pm (12:00 occasionally) October - March (18 weeks) $1264.00 + GST/team ($ 316.00 pp)
A league that follows Curl Canada and RDCC rules of play.
- Teams register 4 players
- Fifth and Sixth players to be registered at the office. Fees to be split among existing players.
- Spares must adhere to RDCC Spare rules.
- Winning team to post results.
- End of Season Wind up Social included
Priority will be given to teams that played in this league the previous season.
If you want a great curling experience and you're over 50, the Red Deer Friday afternoon senior curling league is the perfect fit. We play Fridays at 1:00 p.m. from Mid - October to March. This league is open to Men, Ladies and Mixed teams. Teams that compete at multiple levels with the emphasis on keeping active and having fun. Social time with refreshments after every game.